Friday, May 18, 2012


Senimaani olen arvanud, et tõsiselt hea on ilm siis, kui päike paistab ja väljas on 30 kraadi.
Ma ei ole seda arvamust muutnud. Ma armastan sooja. Olen nagu kass, kelle meelistegevuseks on päikese käes peesitamine ja nurru löömine.
Just paar päeva tagasi nägin unes, et olen jälle Kreetal...
Aga see selleks.

Täna ei olnud selline ilm. Täna oli umbes 11 kraadi sooja, puhus üsna tugev tuul ja aegajalt piilus pilvede tagant välja päikese kuldne juukselokk.

Ja olin mina. Pisike mina. Astusin hommikul õue. Vaatasin kevadisi õisi raevuka tuule käes üle tänava lendlemas. Vaatasin neid päikese käes helkimas. Kuulasin dramaatilist muusikat.
Ja mulle meeldis. Mulle meeldis väga.

pildi autor Marie Stupecky

See tänane ilm - üks minu uusi lemmikuid. Tunnistan, et naudiksin veel rohkem, kui oleks paar-kolm-neli-viis-kuus kraadi soojem, aga kõike head ka ei saa.
Sest see tuule ja kevade ja päikese sümbioos oli võrratu.
Lihtsalt kuidagi... fierce. Täna oli nii fierce ilm.

Ja see oli hea.

In 5 years time

Oh well in 5 years time, we could be walking round a zoo,
With the sun shining down over me and you,
And there'll be love in the bodies of the elephants too,
I'll put my hands over your eyes, but you'll peek through.

And there'll be sun, sun, sun- all over our bodies,
And sun, sun, sun- all down our necks,
And there'll be sun, sun, sun- all over our faces,
And sun, sun, sun- so what the heck.

'Cos I'll be laughing at all your silly little jokes,
And we'll be laughing about how we used to smoke,
All of those stupid little cigarettes and drink stupid wine,
'Cos it's what we needed to have a good time.

But it was fun, fun, fun- when we were drinking,
It was fun, fun, fun- when we were drunk,
And it was fun, fun, fun- when we were laughing,
It was fun, fun, fun- Oh it was fun.

Oh well, I'll look at you and say:
It's the happiest that I've ever been.
And I'll say: I no longer feel I have to be James Dean.
And he'll say: Yeah well, I feel all pretty happy too, 
and I'm always pretty happy, when I'm just kicking back with you.

And it'll be love, love, love- all through our bodies,
And love, love, love- all through our minds,
And it'll be love, love, love- all over his face,
And love, love, love- all over mine.

And though nearly all these moments are just in my head,
I'll be thinking about them, as I'm lying in bed,
And I know that really it might not even come true,
But in my mind, I'm having a pretty good time with you.

Oh, in 5 years time- I might not know you,
In 5 years time- we might not speak,
In 5 years time- we might not get along,
In 5 years time- you might just prove me wrong.

Oh there'll be love, love, love- wherever you go, there'll be love.

huvitav, kus mina viie aasta pärast olen. Kellega ma olen. Milline ma olen. 
Ja kõige tähtsam - kas ma olen õnnelik?